Non Duo Launches a Publishing Wing: ND Pendant Artists

ND Pendant Artists

ND Pendant Artists is a platform for independent artists to showcase their work and get valuable information on music and book publishing, independent business, graphic design, writing, visual arts, as well as how to stay motivated throughout the process. 

We are independent artists who have set up a one-stop publishing company for all our works, as well as a place for other artists to showcase and promote their work. We showcase music, books, visual art, as well as provide graphic design and motivational services. On our blog, we provide relevant information for musicians, writers, and other creatives who are looking for business tips and/or looking for moral support.

  • Music Publishing
  • Graphic Design
  • Creative Writing
  • Visual Arts
  • Motivation & Support

Thematically, the type of artistic endeavors and artists we represent lean toward the non-dual perspective, which points to all of our ultimate non-separateness and oneness. We are open to all independent artists to join us in this new venture.

History Behind the Company Name

ND stands for Non Duo, our acoustic duo, as well as non-dual, which means not two, but one—and points to the existence of an ultimate reality that transcends and pervades everyday reality.

pendant represents the circular way of life, the yin and yang, and infinity. A pendant is also a way to wear what you stand for.

Being artists is what we do and how we express ourselves in the world.

Together, we are an independent publishing company working with other independents and sharing information that we are learning along the way with other artists and small creative businesses going rogue. 

“Everything we create shapes who we are. 
We are both ‘that’ and ‘beyond that’.”

Creating Marina

Please see our Company Site for info about submitting your music, writing, or art, contributing to our blog, or if you are looking for graphic design or motivational services.

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